Harold M.’s Story
- Gender: Male
- State: Texas
Excerpt of Letter
Dear People-Friends,
I’m excited to write this to all who are listening and want to understand. I have argued hours and hours with many state brain-washed prisoners that we should not have to labor for free. First and foremost I’m not gay, I do not have Pink n Black subscription but when I do see one laying around I’ll read it just for the simple fact its real, its also full of great stuff thats really informative.
Anyways, back on my topic for writing. I’ve got two-fifty year sentences and one forty-year sentence here in the [redacted] unit in [redacted], Texas. I come from a state in which its prisoners get paid. Its hard in prison if you have no means of income, and being most Texas prisoners get handed down such lengthy sentences for little crimes, family and friends begin to fall off -- after ten years you'll be lucky to have anyone who will help you and spend money, yet here you are in prison working forty plus hours a week with nothing to show for it and no means to support yourself. You work your butt off to sit and watch other prisoners to go the store and your not able. This unit I’m on is a high max facility with two vital factories which are vital to Texas Prison system. Theres the shoe factory which makes prisoners shoes, vests for the officers to use and purchase. The Comissary bags we purchase, we make, the hand bags officers have to purchase to carry in with their lunches, drinks, etc, its all made here. The meat packing plant which supplies every TDCJ facility its all done here and every one profits but who, the prisoner who’s actually making and producing these things. They say we're given work time credits towards parole when in fact you are judged during reviews and denied for any choice they want to choose even though you work all the time, never got in any trouble and always did what was required of you. I believe even outside of TDCJ’s Industries there are all the other jobs which a facility cannot operate without being done like the kitchen, the laundry, [illegible], plumbing, electricians, etc. These are all jobs that are vital for day to day operations. We all should make an income, we shouldn't have to rely on family or friends to support our needs. Please for all who’s out there listening, yes we’ve made our mistakes, we aren't [denying] that, but the hours and hours of labor we are forced to comply to isn't honest on the states part. I myself am a certified chef, work in laundry now but have worked in the kitchen for the past five years. If anyone thinks the work is easy because its in a prison, its harder than one could imagine…a sweat shop, no air conditioning, you’ve got to cook meals for almost four thousand prisoners in about four hours, then you've got to clean up and cook the next meal, then the next and its a never ending task… all you do is sleep and work… if you don't turn out for work you are given a case which takes your store, visits etc.. you are punished.
When I read the Abolition Amendment it makes me prayerful for someone like me and thousands more who dont have any source of income we need to be paid $$ we need something to show for all our hard work…
I would like to be an active member of this campaign. I’d like to be an educator, writer and anything [illegible] thats needed of me…Its only fair, I help as much as I can to help a change come to this real overdue matter. The 13th amendment was put in place when views and beliefs were something completely different from what they are today. Why should it be as it was then now when the message in our society stresses fully its not about that. Even prisoners have rights, some of those are overlooked by the blindness and ways of history’s thinking. Its not nice in any way in prison…we don’t have to be whipped and beaten down earning everyone a pay check except the prisoner who’s doing all the work and he gets nothing but a fake promise to be let go home when in all reality these people will let you go when they are ready.. A man or worker in a Texas Prison isnt judged by their change or rehabilitation while in, they're held guilty for who they use to be, how they once was so one of the reasons they're denied is “offender has a history of failing once let out”, and I truly believe thats not right. I believe if they pay us for our work, making work a privilege not a punishment, that it will teach men and women how to see their labors as a positive action rather than a regretted forced action which only makes a persons work habits less than and production below average. Our days are long, hard and something you'd think only existed 150 years ago, but you could not know this unless your put in handcuffs and walked to lock up because you said no I’m tired of working for free. Anyways, for all who care my name is Harold J.M. and Im with this movement 100%.... Here in Texas we really need this.
Harold J. M.
P.S dont slip n fall
Cut a finger or get a Burn in Tx work form,
You'll get a case for any Accident which
causes you to lose privileges
How can this be when your busting
Your balls for these people for free…
If we didn't do the jobs behind these walls
they’d have to pay officers or state employees to do it.
How costly would that be for them???
Correct, it would break their bank
Can’t wait to hear from you!
“I myself am a certified chef. I work in laundry now but have worked in the kitchen for the past five years. A sweatshop, no air conditioning. You’ve got to cook meals for almost four thousand prisoners in about four hours, then you’ve got to clean up and cook the next meal, then the next. All you do is sleep and work.”